In April 2018 the California Community Colleges (CCC) and University of California (UC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance student transfer and increase academic preparation for CCC students as they transfer into a UC campus. The MOU initiated a comprehensive effort to guarantee admission for all qualifying CCC transfer students to the UC system. As a result, the University of California Transfer Pathways (UCTP) Guarantee pilot project in Chemistry and Physics was created based on several priorities shared by the two systems:

1) expanding inclusive access, especially at traditionally low-sending CCC campuses, as a key component of fulfilling the intent of the Master Plan and the Vision for Success, providing opportunities and social mobility and serving the state of California by enhancing the transfer route to a four-year degree. By developing and promoting guarantees of admission based on Transfer Pathways and Associate degrees built on those Pathways, the two systems can change the perception that “UC is not for me.”

2) thorough academic preparation is key to academic success after transfer and necessary for timely degree completion; it is also a pocketbook issue. A student who completes a UC Transfer Pathways before transfer is on a path to graduate two years after transfer.

Students completing one of these degrees has completed lower division preparation in the major of physics or chemistry, should be able to graduate within two years attending at full-time status, and are guaranteed admission to the UC system. Similar to Associate Degrees for Transfer created for the CSU system, guaranteed admission is to the system, not an individual campus.

For more information please read CCC Chancellor’s Office memo AA 19-27.

For more information about updated UC Guaranteed Transfer Pathways Templates for Chemistry and Physics please read CCC Chancellor's Office memo AA 19-30.


Discipline UC Transfer Pathway (UCTP) Template
Chemistry  UCTP Template for Chemistry
Physics  UCTP Template for Physics


ASCCC Transfer Alignment Project


In fall 2019, the ASCCC started the first phase of addressing the Resolution F17 15.01 Aligning Transfer Pathways for the CSU and UC Systems 

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Academic Senates of the California State University and the University of California to identify a single pathway in each of the majors with an Associate Degree for Transfer to ensure that students will be prepared to transfer into either the California State University or the University of California systems.

Overall Goal:

  1. Align Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) with University of California Transfer Pathways (UCTP), where feasible, i.e. only non-substantive changes to the TMCs would be needed
  2. For those TMCs that need more changes, discipline faculty convene from all three systems, every attempt is made to align the pathways with two possible outcomes:
    1. Pathways aligned with substantive changes to TMC and/or UCTP (currently, only TMCs have been considered for changes).
    2. If the pathways cannot be aligned, then clear documentation on the rationale and benefits of separate pathways to students and public is communicated broadly.

Read more on the ASCCC website

For additional information on the UC Transfer Pathways, visit the University of California Office Admissions page.

Disciplines Aligned to UCTP



UC Transfer Pathway (UCTP) Template

Political Science TMC

 UCTP Template for Political Science

Sociology TMC

 UCTP Template for Sociology


Disciplines Exploring Potential Alignment of TMC and UCTP



Status Update

Anthropology TMC

Anthropology UCTP

C-ID currently needs 3 CSU faculty to participate as FDRG members to move forward with TMC/UCTP alignment.



English TMC

English UCTP

The English FDRG is currently discussing potential alignment.

History TMC

History UCTP

The FDRG believes alignment is feasible with minor changes and are discussing next steps.


Disciplines found not feasible for alignment of TMC and UCTP



Status Update

Biology TMC

Biology UCTP

The Biology FDRG found that alignment is not feasible at this time due to the UCTP requirement of Organic Chemistry.



Business Administration 2.0 TMC

Business Administration UCTP

The Business Administration FDRG found that alignment is not feasible at this time due to the UCTP requirement of calculus.

Economics TMC

Economics UCTP

The Economics FDRG found that alignment is not feasible at this time due to the UCTP requirement of calculus.

Mathematics TMC

Mathematics UCTP

The Mathematics FDRG found that alignment is not feasible at this time due to the UCTP requirements in science.

Philosophy TMC

Philosophy UCTP

The Philosophy FDRG found that alignment is not feasible at this time due to the UCTP requirement of epistemology.