About Us

C-ID, the Course Identification Numbering System, is a faculty-driven system that was initially developed to assign identifying designations (C-ID numbers) to significant transfer courses. C-ID addresses the need for a “common course numbers” by providing a mechanism to identify comparable courses. Most C-ID numbers identify lower-division transferable courses commonly articulated between the California Community Colleges (CCC) and universities (including Universities of California, the California State Universities, as well as with many of California's independent colleges and universities). While C-ID’s focus is on courses that transfer, some disciplines may opt to develop descriptors for courses that may not transfer to UC or CSU. As submission of a course to C-ID by a CCC indicates acceptance of courses bearing that C-ID number, C-ID is a means of establishing intrasegmental (with the CCC) articulation.

The C-ID number is a designation that ties that course to a specific course “descriptor” that was developed by intersegmental discipline faculty and reviewed statewide. It provides information for students, staff, and faculty who must identify which community college courses best meet the expectations transfer partners have for courses that contribute to transfer into a major at specific universities. The C-ID descriptor also provides information for ongoing curriculum development and revision of lower division courses.

Once the descriptor for a course has undergone wide discipline review, it is posted for general viewing. Individual college courses are compared to the minimum requirements set by these descriptors. Any community college course that bears the C-ID supranumber conveys that intersegmental faculty have determined it meets the published course content, rigor, and course objectives. The C-ID descriptor also means that any other course elsewhere, bearing the same number will be accepted by the institution.

C-ID began by developing descriptors for courses in 20 disciplines that are among those most frequently transferred. The next area of focus has been on the courses in TMCs (the Transfer Model Curricula that describe the major component of associate degrees for transfer). C-ID will then expand to include more and more courses each year. Click above to view the current status of course descriptors and C-ID numbers in an array of transfer disciplines.

This continuous process of review, revision, and assigning of numbers means that this website will be a dynamic one—so watch this site for frequent updates and new information.


C-ID Committees

Intersegmental Curriculum Council (formerly Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup)

The Intersegmental Curriculum Council (ICC) serves as an intersegmental body that reviews and recommends policies, criteria, and processes for developing, reviewing, revising, and deleting intersegmental curriculum including Transfer Model Curricula (TMCs). The ICW was established in 2009 to provide oversight for the implementation of SB 1440. The committee consists of representatives including CCC faculty, CSU faculty, a CCC and a CSU Articulation Officer, the C-ID Curriculum Director, ASCCC staff, two representatives from the Chancellor’s Offices of both the CCC and CSU, a member representing the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU), and a member representing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).  The committee is chaired by a CCC faculty member appointed by the ASCCC.

The ICC (formerly ICW) is responsible for developing and modifying criteria for new TMC development, providing oversight for the implementation of policies and processes for review, revision, and discontinuance of TMCs, convening of intersegmental stakeholders to implement and align TMCs and Model Curriculum to transfer pathways where appropriate, providing input on processes and policies for determinations of similar and TMC acceptance by the CSU. The ICC (formerly ICW) functions as the final approval body for Transfer Model Curricula. 

If you are interested in participating as a faculty member for IC,C please complete the ASCCC Faculty Application for Statewide Service.

2023-24 Membership

ICW Responsibilities and Membership

C-ID Advisory Committee

The C-ID Advisory Committee consists of representatives from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, CSU Academic Senate, C-ID project staff, CCC Chancellor’s Office, CSU Chancellor’s Office, and the California Intersegmental Articulation Council (CIAC).

The purpose of the committee is to provide oversight and direction related to policies and processes for C-ID numbering, descriptor development, review, revision, and deletion. Responsibilities include the development, review, and revision of policies and processes for C-ID; developing and maintaining processes for Course Outline of Record Evaluator and Primary Reviewer training; facilitating communication with intersegmental stakeholders; and providing input on the functionality and efficiency of the C-ID website and interface. The committee is chaired by the C-ID Curriculum Director, a CCC faculty position that is recruited and appointed by the ASCCC. 
If you are interested in participating as a faculty member for C-ID Advisory, please complete the ASCCC Faculty Application for Statewide Service.

2023-24 Membership

For additional information about C-ID, contact: c-idsupport@asccc.org